Free Offshoring Toolkit

Our Offshoring Toolkit will arm you and your team with the tips, tools and tactics to help you build an offshore team seamlessly and safely.

What’s in our Free
Offshoring Toolkit

We’ve put our Offshoring Toolkit together to give you everything you need to nail the what and how of offshoring so you can successfully build an offshore team.
Our toolkit will help you and your business to:
Debunk common offshoring myths

Make your decision to build a global team from a place of fact, not fiction.

Explore your offshoring options

There’s many ways to offshore, and we’ll help you work out the right one for you.

Learn the tips and traps of hiring

If this is your first time hiring offshore, we’ll show you how to do it right.

Understand offshoring best practice

We’ll ‘lift the bonnet’ on how our most successful clients offshore.

Appreciate cultural differences

Learn how to navigate the nuances of the Filipino culture and working style.

Choose the right technology tools

Forget ‘trial and error’. Here we’ll show you the tools you need (and that work!)