Hiring 101

You’re probably not hiring staff in the Philippines every day but thankfully, we are!

So there’s no need to reinvent the recruitment wheel; take a look at our processes and templates so you can minimise risk and maximise the quality of your next offshore hire.

How to Hire Great People: Using a competency-based approach to recruit right

Hiring can seem like a lottery at the best of times. So many prospective candidates talk the talk … but how can you be confident that they also walk the walk? 

This is a challenge we encounter every day at 5 ELK.  So, the good news is that we’ve come up with some great ways to ‘road test’ our prospective teammates and maximise the chance of hitting the hiring jackpot. 

In this post, we’ll lift the bonnet on our recruitment process and share some of our favourite strategies with you to truly understand the skills of a potential hire. Good luck & happy skill hunting!

TEMPLATE - Questions to ask when checking references

Reference checking is your best opportunity to fact-check a new hire’s resume and get a stronger feel as to whether they’re the right fit for your team or not.

But how can you make sure you’ve covered all bases in your referee conversations and are asking all the right questions?

Our free template is a great place to bring more structure and consistency to your reference checking. Download it below so you can unturf the right nuggets of gold and make your next hiring decision with confidence.

Think reference checking is a waste of time? Read this & think again!

Tempted to skip checking references when hiring? Do this at your peril! We reckon checking references is one of the most informative elements of the hiring process.

Most referees provide a thoughtful and balanced view of a potential hire. This will give you real-life insight into your candidate from someone who has seen them in action. You can verify their info, while also learning more about the type of teammate they are and whether they are likely to fit into your team. And sometimes… what is not said is just as important as what is.

Here’s to ticking all the right boxes in your hiring decision.

The risks and benefits of recruiting through your offshore team

Are you growing your offshore team through referrals from your existing teammates? If so, it makes a lot of sense. It can save you a lot of time and money.

But there are risks to this approach, which we’ve seen many businesses learn the hard way. Check out my video on why staying hands-on in the recruitment process is crucial to derisking teammate referrals and maximising the success of this approach.

Remember, there’s more than one way to crack the recruitment nut! If you’re curious about working with us to build a powerhouse offshore team, get in touch!

The NBI Clearance: Your Safety Net in Hiring!

Hiring in the Philippines? When operating at a distance, you need to rely on more than just your intuition to build an offshore team you can trust.

Naturally, you want to take every possible precaution to protect your business and thankfully, “The NBI Clearance” can help safeguard your business and give you peace of mind.

Discover how to minimise hiring risks and maximise hiring confidence in this blog.

CHECKLIST - What to include in a job description

Job descriptions are like the Swiss Army knives of HR – they guide everything from hiring and performance reviews to training and fair pay. They make sure everyone knows what’s expected in their roles, helping to keep things clear and smooth at work. Plus, they’re essential for staying on the right side of employment laws, ensuring everyone gets a fair deal! 

If you get this right the first time, you will save “future you” a lot of hassle! So to make sure you don’t miss any of the essentials in your next job description, here’s our checklist of what you should include.

Job Description Templates

Job descriptions really set the stage in HR – they outline everything from who we hire and how we evaluate their work to the training they need and the pay they deserve. They help clarify everyone’s roles, keeping the workplace running smoothly. Plus, they’re key to making sure we play by the rules and treat everyone fairly!

Luckily, we have taken the hard slog out of writing job descriptions for your teammates with our “here’s one we prepared earlier” templates. You can download, tweak & adapt to your needs…. enjoy!

Our favourite Job Interview Questions

We figured that these questions were too good not to share!

You only have a limited amount of time in an interview to assess a potential teammate’s skill set, cultural fit, and enthusiasm for joining your team.

We have asked a lot of interview questions in our time, so here are our favourites for figuring out who should join your dream team.

Our Offshoring Toolkit

Whether you’re still unsure about offshoring or want some tips on how to do it the right way, we’ve got you covered.

Our toolkit encompasses over 10 years of client best practices and lessons learned. Your journey to offshoring like a pro starts here.

Offshoring Myths

It’s common to have some initial reservations about offshoring. So we wanted to set the record straight and give you a different perspective on some of the common mistruths that we hear about building a global team.

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Offshoring the right way

We’ve worked with hundreds of businesses in our 10+ years of running 5 ELK. In this section, we share what separates the best from the rest when it comes to offshoring. Save time and hassle by copying best practice and learning from common mistakes.

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Understanding the Philippines

Building a high-performing offshore team can be harder than you expect, and success starts with understanding the culture you’re working with. Here are some of the principles you need to nail in order to build strong working relationships in the Philippines.

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Essential Technology

Working effectively remotely is so much easier when you get the technology right. In this section, we share the tech that powers our client offshore teams so you can communicate well, monitor workflow and minimise risk.

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About 5 ELK

Whether you are looking to reduce costs, hire faster or free up your local team, 5 ELK can help you build an offshore team safely, seamlessly and successfully. In this section, you’ll find out more about the ‘nuts and bolts’ of working with us.

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What Our Clients Say

Dylan Pargiter-Green
Dylan Pargiter-Green
5Elk have been a wonderful partner to our financial planning practice. They provide above and beyond support for us and our overseas team. I feel that they are genuinely supportive of the growth of our team members and how they fit within our business.
Jacky Chalmers
Jacky Chalmers
We have been working with 5 ELK for some time now, and they have been an integral part of our business growth. Their offshore team members have consistently provided excellent support, allowing us to deliver better client outcomes. The training and ongoing education options they offer are of high quality and constantly evolving. I highly recommend 5 ELK to any financial services business looking to build a high-performing offshore team.
James Marshall
James Marshall
Choosing to partner with 5Elk has been an incredible experience we would encourage other financial advice firms to consider. We have a wonderful team offshore, who are fully integrated into our broader team, despite the geographical location. 5Elk have an excellent training program, and support for their team, and have a culture of excellence and support. It was critical for our offshore team to be supported and have a comfortable work environment, which has been confirmed by a physical visit to the office where a week was spent with our offshore team. We have great confidence in our choice of offshore partner, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with 5Elk.
Anthony Lucarelli
Anthony Lucarelli
Alfie and the team at 5elk are great to deal with. They have found us 2 great hires who were trained very quickly. The 5elk team are always eager to help us out where necessary which we are greatful for. Could not recommend them enough!
Emily Hein
Emily Hein
We were hesitant at first, but the service and capability of the team was and still is amazing. The pace in which the 5 Elk team picked up our systems, processes and expectations was impressive. We couldn't live without them now.
Sean Nigh
Sean Nigh
I have been very impressed with our 5 ELK team member and the depth of support and training they receive from the broader team
Tim Arnold
Tim Arnold
We couldn’t be happier with 5Elk. From the initial conversation to the moment we found our perfect hire we have felt supported and so much confidence in the 5Elk team. We are stoked with the service and even better our new team member! speak to anyone who uses 5Elk and they will tell you the same. In fact get them to put you in contact with me! I’m such a big advocate of them now I’ve seen how perfect this process was. Thanks 5Elk - Free Agency Australia
Yiling Liu
Yiling Liu
We have been introduced to 5elk by other advisors. The experience with 5 elk has been amaxing and the team has shows interest in genuinely helping with our business find the right team member, train them to meet our expectations, and they constantly seek for improvement by reaching out to ensure we are happy with our service. I would highly recommend it to any organisation that needs help outsourcing the client service role.
Ann-marie Woolston
Ann-marie Woolston
We were initially nervous about outsourcing our admin and client services workflow. However, from start to finish the process has been fantastic. We were impressed with the background training and support given to our chosen member of the 5ELK team to ensure she was well equipped to fulfil her role. Our new staff member has been a huge support to our business, learning quickly and answering relevant questions. She is now an enthusiastic & integral part of our team. The friendly management team touch base with us regularly and provide ongoing assistance and training should we require it. We would definitely recommend speaking with 5ELK about your workplace requirements. *****
Gavin Dannock
Gavin Dannock
Working with 5ELK has been far more efficient than we would have thought. We were a little worried with how the process of starting to outsource would be, however 5ELK goes above and beyond what our expectations were. Our team member is only 5 weeks in but strives to learn every day and is already making a sizeable positive impact in our business. Definitely recommend 5ELK for financial planning companies that are considering outsourcing or are looking for a better solution than their current arrangements.


5 ELK is a safe and effective outsourcing solution for financial services professionals looking for scale, growth and increased profitability.